Kindness messages

“When I opened the postal box, hearts poured out of it! I wasn’t expecting there to be so many so had to hold back the flow whilst someone got a bag!” Miss Hannan, Head of the Kindness Committee.

At the Kindness Committee meeting, the team sorted out the heart messages in preparation for special delivery the next day in form time.

At the start of term, the Kindness Committee asked everyone whether they would like to write a kind message on a red heart and post it in the box below the Kindness Committee display. The messages of kindness could be to friends and staff and wonderfully there were rather a lot to sort out!

One heart message from a Year 5 pupil to a Year 8 pupil said: “Thank you for helping me settle in to my new school. You have been an amazing Friend.”

The messages brought a wonderful feel-good factor to form time the following day! Thank you to everyone – pupils and teachers, who posted messages of kindness and gratitude.