
We have a range of childcare options to help busy parents manage their family’s schedules both before and after school as well as extensive after school clubs.

Nursery and Pre-Prep

Morning Club: 7.45 – 8.15am

A very warm welcome and a big smile will greet your child at Morning Club. Your child will be entertained until 8.10am, when he or she will be taken by the hand to their classroom to join his or her teacher and the rest of the class.

A morning session costs £5.50 and is added to the school bill. Sign up via the Pre-Prep office on 01243 778496.

The Westies Club (after school care): 3.15 – 5.30pm 

Children are entertained by Westbourne’s Childcare Supervisor, Emma Eckert, who will collect your child from their classroom at the end of their day and lead them to the Frog Room to receive a healthy snack. Refuelled, there are a range of structured activities on offer for the children to enjoy, which include music and movement, art, construction, baking and a whole host of role-play and games. Children will be given a light supper at 4.45pm.

Sign up online at the beginning of term or get in touch with Katy in the Pre-Prep office. The cost is £8.20 per hour.  

If you are collecting children from the Pre-Prep and the Prep School, please collect Nursery and Pre-Prep children first. There will be additional charges for late collection.

Prep School

Breakfast Club: from 7.30am

Prep School pupils can join our boarders for breakfast at 7.30am. The cost for this session is £3.75. Contact the office for further information.

After School Care: until 5.30pm

The Prep School provides a childcare for students in Years 3 and 4 until 5.30pm, except on Saturdays.

Children are entertained by the Year 4 teachers with fun activities in the classroom, sports hall and outside. Sign up by adding your child’s name to the childcare list in the office. The cost for this session is £7.35.  However, if you have an older child (in Years 5 to 8) who you collect at 5.30pm, this session is free of charge.

Please inform the office if you plan to collect your child early from After School Care.