Stealing the show

Year 2 dazzled audiences this term with their vibrant and creative assemblies!

The Kingfishers transported everyone to the heart of Lunar New Year celebrations with a delightful performance. Their re-enactment of the story of the animals' race across the river, followed by a lively traditional song and dance, was a great opportunity to perform to a friendly audience and to show what they have learnt.

International Week assemblies
International Week assemblies
International Week assemblies
International Week assemblies

The Herons took us on a whirlwind journey around the world, visiting countries with connections to the children in the class. They performed "Poles Apart", a story about penguins and polar bears who are upset about climate change. Their energy and catchy penguin dance were irresistible!

Both assemblies left the audience entertained, informed and inspired. Well done, Year 2!