Nights under canvas

The Year 6 residential was an exciting two nights under canvas and a canoe expedition down the river Wye, ending up at Monmouth. It was a very special experience and as described by Mr Tyrrell, tour leader:

"The benefits to the children were apparent in terms of building confidence, achieving a sense of team work, and I saw resilience and determination from those who were a little nervous of being away from home.


On the afternoon of their arrival, team Year 6 drove from the camp at Biblins to Kerne Bridge where they prepared for the first section of their journey. They got into their paddling teams and put on buoyancy aids before carrying the canoes down to the water’s edge. As they paddled down to Welsh Bicknor, the emphasis from the instructors was on learning or refreshing paddling skills and becoming comfortable and confident in the canoes.

Day two and a lively dawn chorus was the camp's 5am alarm. The sun brightened the valley and the singing of the birds was matched by the excited voices of the children in anticipation of breakfast and the adventurous day ahead.

From Welsh Bicknor, the children paddled back to Biblins in their teams. This was a full day’s paddle and included negotiating the Symonds Yat rapids (Grade 2). Mr Tyrrell commented: "This was very exciting and despite one or two nervous faces and a couple of capsizes, the whole of the team negotiated the rapids well. Afterwards, it was fantastic to see the pupils’ contented faces and also share in the huge sense of achievement they felt."

The weather on Day 3 was ideal for canoeing. The sun was shining and there was a slight breeze, which seemed to encourage our now confident and experienced youngsters on the final stage of their river journey from Biblins to Monmouth Rowing Club.

"I loved it all," commented on pupil. "It was so exciting," added another. "I loved being with all my friends," was a comment that resonated with many.

Mr Tyrrell concluded: "For me, the whole trip was enjoyable, and apart from seeing a sea of happy, confident faces, I particularly felt a sense of achievement going down the rapids with Miss Day!  I was supported by an excellent team to whom I am very grateful: the aforementioned Miss Day along with Miss Van Holland, Madame Bennison, our kind and reliable nurse, and last but not least, the ever reliable Mr Knight."