Maths Realising Week

Maths Realising Week focused the pupils on practising the key number skills with which they need to be fluent. In the Pre-Prep, this is the number bonds to 20; in the Prep School, the times tables.

Mrs Low Head of Maths said: "It has been amazing to involve all the pupils in the school in this way, having fun, practising and improving a key maths skill. The determination of many pupils, who put in great independent efforts to improve, did not go unnoticed. Well done."

The Inter-Patrol Times Table Competition was the culmination of the week in the Prep School. It was tense and exciting and we were so proud of all the pupils who volunteered to take part. Patrol teams consisted of one pupil from each year group (Years 3 to 8). The patrols took each other on answering times table questions: multiplying, dividing, doubling and squaring. All team players were poised to hit that buzzer as soon as they had the answer; as they had been practising all week, they were all speedy!

"Congratulations to Panthers, who won, but I would also would like to say a big 'well done' to all the children who took part. It is nerve-wracking standing in front of the whole Prep school and being put on the spot."

Mrs Low