Growing, learning & exploring the Tall, Tall Grass

From magic beans to marvellous sunflowers

Year 1 have been exploring the wonderful world of plants and growing in their topic The Tall, Tall Grass.

Our journey started when an exciting letter arrived from Jack of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. He sent us some magic beans and asked us to plant them. Once planted, we watched with great excitement each week to see their progress. We carefully recorded our observations in a bean diary. After a few weeks, the plants were ready to be taken home to plant in the garden. The children were so excited and hopeful that a magic beanstalk might grow overnight!

The children have learnt about the life cycle of the sunflower as well as the conditions needed for a plant to grow successfully. We planted sunflower seeds and have made predictions about how tall we think they might grow. We used Vincent van Gogh’s famous ‘Sunflowers’ painting as inspiration to design a clay tile. A pop of sunny colour was added to each tile and we are looking forward to selling them at the school fete to raise money for our school charities.

We will continue to explore this topic after half term and are really looking forward to our trip to Arundel Wetland Centre the first week back. I wonder what else we will find in the tall, tall grass…

sunflowers and plant growing curious
sunflowers and plant growing curious
sunflowers and plant growing curious
showing plant pots
sunflowers and plant growing curious
painting a tile