Shining a light on the Dark Ages

Petersfield trip to Butser Ancient Farm brings learning to life

Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed their topic, Traders and Raiders, this term. They sailed back to the Dark Ages, where battles were rife and fear reigned. They explored the lives of the Saxons and Vikings, including how they lived and where they came from. They learned through experience at Butser Ancient Farm, an archaeological open-air museum and experimental archaeology site by handling artefacts, making chalk carvings, exploring Anglo-Saxon houses and hearing how the Anglo-Saxons used to make houses, weapons and clothes. A few pupils discovered a new talent in horn blowing!

Having delved into the dangerous and deadly Dark Ages, they completed their topic by creating some exciting and informative books to share their learning with others.  They presented these books to Mrs Fullager, our School Librarian, who was delighted to expand the range of books in her library.

"Communicating and sharing their learning with others is a key feature of our high quality topic learning. It really gives the children a sense of purpose and ownership and helps them engage more deeply with their learning."

Mrs Davies, Head of Year 4