Get Outdoors Week for wellbeing

We dedicated a week at  Westbourne House to the wellbeing initiative "Get Outdoors!"

Mrs Pollock explains: “Research consistently shows the myriad benefits of spending time in nature for our mental wellbeing. This is why we have a school-wide initiative to get us outside and enjoy our beautiful surroundings." 

So, what did pupils experience this wellbeing week? More lessons under the sky than normal and outdoorsy and fun breaktime activities. Pupils were connected with nature, celebrated our environment, and felt all the benefits of being outdoors.

During the week, there were many outdoor experiences but here are a few highlights:

  • Reception used catkins, beechnuts, pine cones, sticks and conkers as counting and pattern making aids.
  • Year 1 appreciated nature by taking photos of beautiful things they saw in the boundaries and did some drawing during their stunning walk around the lake.
  • Year 2 took time under the trees in Pre-Prep to draw some lovely pictures of the bluebells.
  • Year 3 and 4 collected flowers, sticks, nuts and leaves to complete some Andy Goldsworthy inspired art.
  • Year 5 scientists launched water and air pressure rockets leaving them soaked!
  • Year 6 took their languages lessons outdoors and played the traditional French game Petanque.
  • Year 7 maths classes were outside costing up various building projects around the school grounds.
  • Year 8, in the lead up to their exams, had outdoor revision sessions.

The whole school also enjoyed dog walking, forest bathing, weeding and seeding wildflower gardens and many other exciting activities!