Learning4Life - Mental Health

What’s the most common answer to "How are you?” 


In the first Learning4Life lesson earlier this week, teachers worked with pupils to enlarge their vocabulary about how they feel.

Pupils used emoji cards to think about how they were feeling and were encouraged to express how they feel more accurately to trusted adults, to ensure they get the support they need.  The skill of being able to identify how you are feeling is crucial for wellbeing now and in the future.

In their second Learning4Life lesson, pupils focussed on self belief, including the wonderful 'Power of Yet', which encourages a growth mindset.  

I can’t do it…. yet.

Children have pastoral time every morning, and two sessions a week are dedicated to Learning4Life lessons.  This week’s Learning 4 Life focus on wellbeing is in recognition of World Mental Health Day.

learning for life - mental health
learning for life - mental health
learning for life - mental health